Build Delete List From Directory button
Click this button to create a Resources To Delete List from the file names in a specified directory. |
You can use the file names to build a list of resources to delete by:
Including matching file names in the list, or,
Excluding matching file names from the list. This builds the delete list from all resources in the Resource List except those that match the file names.
In either case, the file name without extension must match the resource name exactly (except for case; this utility is not case sensitive). For example, a resource named “screen capture 1” would have a file name of “screen capture 1.*" (any extension will produce a match). Any file names that don't match the name of any resource in the Resource List will not be used. Note: The Platte Canyon Plug-In products contain a utility to import/export ToolBook resources from/to external files.
After choosing to keep or remove matching names, you are prompted to select the directory containing the files.
The delete list is then created and displayed in the Resources to Delete List of the main window.
Note: This utility simply builds and displays a list. No resources are actually deleted until you select the Delete button in the main window.