If you plan to distribute your application using Neuron,
read the bottom of this page.
Once your index is created, you can allow users to access the search
interface [from within any of your TBK files] by adding the FTSPRO.SBK
book as a bound system book. Click here to learn
how to bind a system book.
As soon as the system book is bound [normally meaning when your book
loads], a new SEARCH menu will appear at both Reader and Author level...unless
you set up the configuration setting to Not add a Menu - in which case
you will only have a Search menu at Author Level.
At Author level this new menu will allow you to access the Configuration
interface as well as the Search interface. However from Reader level, only
the Search interface is available.
Before the Search interface appears, the .FTS file is automatically
scanned for and located. In the event the index can't be found, an error
will occur stating so.
Where does the .FTS file need to be placed?
The .FTS file must be in the SAME directory as the book currently
loaded, or in a subdirectory called FTS.
Similarly, all of the books you have indexed into an .FTS file must
also be in the same directory. If they are not, the navigation, by the
FTS Seach interface, to the various books will fail.
In the event you have created several index files for different sets
of books, you can specify which .FTS file to load. To do this, you must
set a property called fts_IndexBookName
to the name of the index file. Do NOT specify a Path - as you have no control
over the path.
Example: fts_IndexBookName = "INDEX.FTS"
This is a book property and must be set for each book in which you
want this feature to occur. Note that this setting is also available from
the configuration settings screen.
In the search interface, there is an Info tab which contains basic
instructions for performing a search. If you would like to customize these
instructions with your own comments, simply set the property fts_GeneralInfo
to the text that you want to appear. This is a book property and must
be set for each book in which you want this feature to occur. Note that
this setting is also available from the configuration settings screen.
As of version 1.5, you can now use FTS Pro in Neuron if you like.
However because of the limitations of Neuron, you will not have as much
flexibility as FTS Pro would normally grant you.
note the following when using Neuron:
1. No language files can be used as Neuron can't access these types
of files from a web server. This means that the FTS Search
will have to appear in English.
2. When you link the FTSPRO.SBK system book to your project
books, ensure you do NOT use the FILE |Bound System Books
menu method of loading a system book. Instead you must manually
load the system book via code like this:
to handle enterBook
if "ftspro.sbk" is not in sysbooks
push "ftspro.sbk"
onto sysbooks
This is necessary because Neuron can't load Bound System
if they exist on a Web Server, but Pushing them onto the
Stack works fine.
3. Because of Centering problems when navigating between books in
Neuron, it is best if your project is designed to run in
Full Screen
4. Note that Neuron can't display a Menu Bar, and so your only means
of opening the Search Dialog is to make a button, and use: